四元數 ℍ
Quaternions: ring of real quaternions ╱🚧 under construction
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Quaternions: ring of real quaternions ╱🚧 under construction
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replit ⟩ Quaternions
// 2023.03.04 - 06:50 (+) Quaternion, n.asQuaternion
// 2023.03.01 - 13:30 (/) isEqualTo -> equal, Number.EPSILON -> 1e-10
// (-) areEqualNumbers()
// (+) .round()
// 2023.01.20 - 16:45 (+) deg
// 2023.01.20 - 11:47 (+) .clamp(), .isEqualTo (*first recorded)
// -----------------------------------------------------
const { Random } = require('./Random.js');
const { sqrt, abs } = Math;
const {log} = console;
// deg
const deg = Math.PI / 180;
// ⭐ Number+ext
// -----------------------------------------------------
// (constants)
// - deg // degree = PI/180
// -----------------------------------------------------
// (quaternion)
// 🔸 n.asQuaternion
// -----------------------------------------------------
// (integer)
// 🔸 n.isEven
// 🔸 n.isOdd
// 🔸 n.binary
// 🔸 n.octal
// 🔸 n.hex
// 🔹 n.toBinary({prefix:, pad: {length:, char:}})
// 🔹 n.toOctal({prefix:, pad: {length:, char:})
// 🔹 n.toHex({prefix:, pad: {length:, char:})
// -----------------------------------------------------
// 🔹 .clamp()
// 🔹 .equal()
// 🔹 .round()
Object.defineProperties(Number.prototype, {
// ---------------
// quaternion
// ---------------
// 🔸 n.asQuaternion
asQuaternion: {
get() { return new Quaternion(this) },
// ---------------
// integer
// ---------------
// 🔸 n.isEven
isEven: {
get() { return this % 2 === 0 },
// 🔸 n.isOdd
isOdd: {
get() { return Math.abs(this % 2) === 1 },
// 🔸 n.binary
binary: {
get() { return this.toString(2) },
// 🔸 n.octal
octal: {
get() { return this.toString(8) },
// 🔸 n.hex
hex: {
get() { return this.toString(16).toUpperCase() },
// 🔹 n.toBinary({prefix:, pad: {length:, char:}})
toBinary: {
value: formatFunc('0b', 2),
// 🔹 n.toOctal({prefix:, pad: {length:, char:}})
toOctal: {
value: formatFunc('0o', 8),
// 🔹 n.toHex({prefix:, pad: {length:, char:}})
toHex: {
value: formatFunc('0x', 16),
// ---------------
// range
// ---------------
// 🔹 .clamp(min, max)
clamp: {
value: function(min, max){
if (min > max) [min, max] = [max, min];
return Math.min(max, Math.max(min, this));
// 🔹 .equal()
equal: {
value: function(y, {threshold=1e-10}={}){
return abs(this - y) < threshold;
// 🔹 .round()
round: {
value: function(places){
return +this.toFixed(places);
// ⭐ helpers
// -----------------------------------------------------
// general format function
function formatFunc(pre, base) {
return function format({
prefix = pre,
pad = { length: 0, char: '0' },
} = {}) {
// ⭐ `pad` might be overridden, better destructure again
const { length = 0, char = '0' } = pad;
return prefix +
this.toString(base).padStart(length, char).toUpperCase();
// 2023.03.04 - 07:19 (+) .scalarPart, .vectorPart
// 2023.03.04 - 06:50 (•) -------- merged into "Number+ext" --------
// 2023.03.03 - 17:08 (+) .dot, .cross
// 2023.03.01 - 13:42 (+) .randomInt, .randomFloat, .toString
// 2023.02.24 - 15:33 (+) static members, .conjugate, .norm, .inverse, ...
// 2023.02.24 - 13:35 (•) first draft (by chatGPT)
// -------------------------------------------------
// ⭐ Quaternion
// --------------------------------------------------
// - Quaternion.zero, .one, .i, .j, .k
// - Quaternion.randomInt()
// - Quaternion.randomFloat()
// --------------------------------------------------
// - .scalarPart, vectorPart
// - .conjugate
// - .normSquare
// - .norm
// - .inverse
// --------------------------------------------------
// - .add() p + q
// - .subtract() p - q
// - .multiply() pq
// - .divide() p/q = p q^(-1)
// - .scale() kp
// - .dot() p • q
// - .cross() p x q
// --------------------------------------------------
// - .distance() |p-q|
// - .equal() p == q
class Quaternion {
// i, j, k
static get zero() { return new Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0) }
static get one() { return new Quaternion(1, 0, 0, 0) }
static get i() { return new Quaternion(0, 1, 0, 0) }
static get j() { return new Quaternion(0, 0, 1, 0) }
static get k() { return new Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 1) }
// init
constructor(a=0, b=0, c=0, d=0) {
this.a = a;
this.b = b;
this.c = c;
this.d = d;
// ----------------------
// static methods
// ----------------------
// Quaternion.randomInt()
static randomInt(min, max) {
return new Quaternion(
Random.int(min, max),
Random.int(min, max),
Random.int(min, max),
Random.int(min, max),
// Quaternion.randomFloat()
static randomFloat(min, max) {
return new Quaternion(
Random.float(min, max),
Random.float(min, max),
Random.float(min, max),
Random.float(min, max),
// ----------------------
// getters
// ----------------------
// scalarPart
get scalarPart() {
return this.a;
// vectorPart
get vectorPart() {
const { b, c, d } = this;
return new Quaternion(0, b, c, d);
// conjugate
get conjugate() {
const { a, b, c, d } = this;
return new Quaternion(a, -b, -c, -d);
// inverse (reciprocal)
get inverse() {
const n = this.normSquare;
return this.conjugate.scale(1 / n);
// |p|^2 = p • p
get normSquare() {
return this.dot(this);
// norm
get norm() {
const { a, b, c, d } = this;
return sqrt(this.normSquare);
// ---------------------------
// ⭐ + - * / operations
// ---------------------------
add(q) {
const { a, b, c, d } = this;
return new Quaternion(
a + q.a, b + q.b, c + q.c, d + q.d
subtract(q) {
const { a, b, c, d } = this;
return new Quaternion(
a - q.a, b - q.b, c - q.c, d - q.d
multiply(q) {
const { a, b, c, d } = this;
return new Quaternion(
a * q.a - b * q.b - c * q.c - d * q.d,
a * q.b + b * q.a + c * q.d - d * q.c,
a * q.c - b * q.d + c * q.a + d * q.b,
a * q.d + b * q.c - c * q.b + d * q.a,
// p/q = p q^(-1)
// ❗ note: p q^(-1) !== q^(-1) p
divide(q) {
return this.multiply(q.inverse);
// kq
scale(k) {
const { a, b, c, d } = this;
return new Quaternion(k * a, k * b, k * c, k * d);
// p • q
dot(q) {
const { a, b, c, d } = q;
return this.a * a + this.b * b + this.c * c + this.d * d;
// p x q = (p • q) - bar(p) q
cross(q) {
return this.dot(q).asQuaternion.subtract(
// ---------------------------
// ⭐ helpers
// ---------------------------
// distance
distance(q) {
return this.subtract(q).norm;
// equal
equal(q, {threshold=1e-10}={}) {
return this.distance(q).equal(0, {threshold});
// toString
toString(places=3) {
const { a, b, c, d } = this;
return `(${a.round(places)},${b.round(places)},${c.round(places)},${d.round(places)})`;
// ⭐ CommonJS export
module.exports = {
// export {deg}; // ES module export