
data structuregraph ⟩ .findShortestPath()

// ⭐ Graph
class Graph {

    // omitted ...

    // 🔹 .findShortestPath()
    // - use breadth-first search
    findShortestPath(start, target, { debug = false }={}) {
        const queue = new Queue();        // (queue) nodes to visit
        const path = Object.create(null); // (dict) save paths to nodes (self included)
        // put `start` node into queue
        path[start] = [start];            // save path to `start`
        // while queue is not empty
        while (!queue.isEmpty) {

            // debug (omitted ...)
            // pick first node (front) from queue
            const front = queue.dequeue();
            // if target is found, return path.
            if (front === target) return path[front];
            // else add unexplored neighbors to queue
            const unexplored = this
                .filter(node => !queue.isExplored(node));
            for (let child of unexplored) {
                path[child] = path[front].concat(child);    // save path to child

        // queue is empty, no possible path.
        return null;

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