// ⭐️ the variable to which the "function expression" is assigned:// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------// • will have a `name` property// • the name won't change if it's assigned to a different variable.// • (implicit name) if function is anonymous, it will be the "variable name".// • (explicit name) if function is named, it will be the "function name".// ⭐️ (anonymous) function expression// ╭──── ⭐️ ────╮constf=function() { }; f.name // "f" (implicit name = variable name)constf2= f;f2.name; // "f" (the `name` won't change❗)// ⭐️ arrow function// ╭─ ⭐️ ─╮consth= () => {};h.name; // "h" (implicit name also applies to arrow functions)// ⭐️ (named) function expression// ╭────── ⭐️ ───────╮constg=functiongame() { };g.name; // "game" (explicit name = function name)typeof g; // 'function'typeof game; // undefined (`game` is only scoped within the function body❗)