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Layout ⟩ Dark Theme
具有「有形的邊界」:設計時需搭配 border, background-color, color
box.mjs 更改樣式的策略與 vstack.mjs 不同。
box.mjs 利用 setters 將樣式直接寫到個別的 <box> 樣式 ( 中,因此無法共用。
vstack.mjs 則是間接將客製化的 <style> 樣式寫到 <head> 中,並同時將此 <style> 的專有 ID 寫到 <vstack> 的 "data-style" 屬性中,希望能共用這個 <style>。
// 0.0.9 - Box: remove render(), use setters instead.
import {attr} from './helpers.mjs';
* Box
* ---
* <box- padding="" border="" background="" color="" dark>
export default class Box extends HTMLElement {
// ⭐ observed attributes
static get observedAttributes() {
return [
'padding', 'border', 'color', 'background', 'dark'
// re-renders whenever one of attributes changes.
attributeChangedCallback(attr, oldValue, newValue) {
// ⭐️ 更新:全部透過 setter 處理就好。
this[attr] = this[attr];
// -------------- ⭐️ getters/setters ------------------
// this.padding
get padding() { return attr(this, 'padding') }
set padding(val) { = val;
return attr(this, 'padding', val)
// this.border
get border() { return attr(this, 'border') }
set border(val) { = val;
return attr(this, 'border', val)
// this.color
get color() { return attr(this, 'color') }
set color(val) { = val;
return attr(this, 'color', val)
// this.background
get background() { return attr(this, 'background') }
set background(val) { = val;
return attr(this, 'background', val)
// this.dark
get dark() { return this.hasAttribute('dark') }
set dark(val) {
this.classList.toggle('dark', val);
return attr(this, 'dark', val);
// ⭐️ register <box->
customElements.get('box-') ||
customElements.define('box-', Box);
/* ⭐️ Box 0.0.6 + border */
/* box */
box- {
/* default settings */
--box-light-color: #eee;
--box-dark-color: #222;
display: block;
/* 🔸 axiom: box's content should be away with its edges */
padding: var(--spacing);
/* 🔸 axiom: box should be visible */
border: var(--border-thin);
background-color: var(--box-light-color);
color: var(--box-dark-color);
High contrast themes tend to eliminate backgrounds. By employing a transparent outline the box shape can be restored.
When a high contrast theme is not running, the outline is invisible.
outline: 0.125rem solid transparent;
outline-offset: -0.125rem;
box (dark theme)
In a greyscale design, it is possible to switch between
dark/light theme with `filter`.
box.invert { filter: invert(100%); }
box-.dark {
color: var(--box-light-color);
background-color: var(--box-dark-color);
border: var(--border-thin);
/* elements in box */
box- * {
Changing `background-color` requires you to change `color` to ensure the content is still legible. This can be made easier by
applying `color: inherit` to any elements inside box.
color: inherit;
codepen ⟩ measure
codesandbox ⟩ box (0.0.5)
replit ⟩
this[prop] = this[prop] ? - 讀取屬性並強迫再設定一次屬性❗️
refactor Box - remove render(), use attributeChangedCallback() instead