only 7 "falsy" values in JS.
JS ⟩ value ⟩ type ⟩ conversion ⟩ falsy
7 falsy values:(converts to false)
any other value is "truthy", and converts to true.
every value is either truthy or falsy❗
all objects are truthy (convert to true).
operator(s) that expect boolean operands will work with an operand of any type❗
'0' == false // true❗️
if ('0') console.log('hi') // hi (⭐️ '0' is truthy❗️)
'0' === false // false❗️
// facts about empty array
[] == ![] // true❗️
[] == [] // false❗️
Boolean([]) // true
Boolean(![]) // false❗️