Last updated
Last updated
๐ฐ JS โฉ browser โฉ DOM โฉ type โฉ Node โฉ +ext
replit โฉ Node extension
// 2023.01.12 - 21:46 - add `elem()`
// 2023.01.12 - 08:35 - first version
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// export
export { $, $all, elem };
// โญ๏ธ $(): select first element
function $(selector, parent = document){
return parent.querySelector(selector);
// โญ๏ธ $all(): select all element
function $all(selector, parent = document){
return parent.querySelectorAll(selector);
// โญ elem(): create & config element
function elem(tagName, config) {
const elem = document.createElement(tagName);
if (config) config(elem);
return elem;
// --------------------------
// โญ๏ธ Node extension
// --------------------------
// ๐ธ node.isTextNode
// ๐ธ node.isElementNode
// ๐น node.$()
// ๐น node.$all()
Object.defineProperties(Node.prototype, {
// ๐ธ node.isTextNode
isTextNode: {
get() {
return this.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE;
// ๐ธ node.isElementNode
isElementNode: {
get() {
return this.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
// ๐น node.$()
$: {
value: function(selector){
return $(selector, this);
// ๐น node.$all()
$all: {
value: function(selector){
return $all(selector, this);
replit โฉ Node extension
// import
import { $, $all } from './ext/Node_ext.js'; // Node extension
import { } from './ext/Iterable.js'; // Iterable extension
import { } from './js/Node_methods.js'; // Node custom methods
// -----------------
// 1. insert before
// -----------------
// all paragraphs
let p = document.body.$all("p");
// โญ๏ธ insert p[2] before p[0]
document.body.insertBefore(p[2], p[0]);
// Three
// One
// Two
// -----------------
// 2. replace child
// -----------------
// event handler
$('button').onclick = function replaceImages() {
// get all image nodes
// node list returned from `querySelectorAll` is NOT live.
let images = $all("img");
// โข๏ธ Alertโ
// The loop starts at the end of the list. This is necessary if
// the `images` node list is "live".
for (let i = images.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
let image = images[i];
if (image.alt) {
let text = document.createTextNode(image.alt);
// โญ๏ธ replace (image) child with text node.
image.parentNode.replaceChild(text, image);
// -------------------
// 3. create element
// -------------------
// creates an element node and treats the rest of its arguments
// as children to that node.
function elem(type, ...children) {
// โญ๏ธ create element
let node = document.createElement(type);
// โญ๏ธ append children
for (let child of children) {
if (typeof child === "string") child = document.createTextNode(child);
// return element
return node;
// add <footer> into <blockquote>
"โ ",
elem("strong", "Karl Popper"),
", preface to the second edition of ",
elem("em", "The Open Society and Its Enemies"),
", 1950"
// -------------------
// 4. attributes
// -------------------
.filter(p => p.getAttribute('data-classified') === 'secret')
.forEach(p => p.remove()); // โญ๏ธ remove node
MDN โฉ EventTarget โฉ Node