modify current scope at runtime❗️

🚧 施工中

JSconceptsscope ⟩ modify current scope at runtime

eval("var a = 'aaa!';");

sloppy mode

strict mode

function modifyScope() {
    // ⭐️ modify current (function) scope at runtime
    eval("var a = 'aaa!';");
    //        ╰── `a` is in "function scope"❗
    console.log(a);    // `a` is visible.

modifyScope();                       // aaa!
var scope = { name: "Joy" };

// ⭐️ `with`
// -------------------------------------------------------
// turns an object into a local scope, 
// its properties are treated as identifiers in the block:
with (scope) {
    console.log(name);   // Joy
    //          ^^^^     // `name` is visible.

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