GAS ⟩ app
SheetMethods - mixin for Sheet objects.
* app methods
* ------------------
* - spreadsheet
* - sheets
* - activeSheet
* - sheetByName()
* - deleteSheetByName()
* - rangeByName()
* - valueOfNamedRange()
* - valuesOfNamedRange(): 2D array
* - dataRangeValuesFromSheet(): 2D array
* - ui
* - alert()
const app = {
// containers
sheet: {}, // for sheet-related functionality
range: {}, // for range-related functionality
// ----------------- spreadsheet -----------------
// 🔸 app.spreadsheet
spreadsheet: SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet(),
// ----------------- sheet(s) -----------------
// 🔸 app.sheets
get sheets() { return app.spreadsheet.getSheets() },
// 🔸 app.activeSheet
get activeSheet() { return app.spreadsheet.getActiveSheet() },
// 🔸 app.sheetByName()
sheetByName(name) {
const ss = app.spreadsheet;
let sheet = ss.getSheetByName(name);
// if no such sheet, append a new one.
if(sheet === null){
let i = ss.getNumSheets(); // 目前的有幾頁
sheet = ss.insertSheet(name, i); // 插入最後面 (⭐️ will activate automatically)
sheet.activate(); // ⭐️ activate before returning
sheet.__proto__ = app.sheet.prototype; // ⭐️ extend sheet
return sheet;
// 🔸 app.deleteSheetByName()
deleteSheetByName(name) {
const ss = app.spreadsheet;
let sheet = ss.getSheetByName(name);
// if no such sheet, append a new one.
if(sheet === null){
Logger.log(`⚠️ app.deleteSheetByName:沒有「${name}」頁面。`);
return ss.deleteSheet(sheet);
// ----------------- range -----------------
// 🔸 app.rangeByName(name)
rangeByName(name) {
const range = app.spreadsheet.getRangeByName(name);
range.__proto__ = app.range.prototype;
return range;
// ----------------- value(s) -----------------
// 🔸 app.valueOfNamedRange(name)
valueOfNamedRange(name) {
return app.rangeByName(name).getValue();
// 🔸 app.valuesOfNamedRange(name): 2D array
valuesOfNamedRange(name) {
return app.rangeByName(name).getValues();
// 🔸 app.dataRangeValuesFromSheet(sheetName)
// ⭐️ 注意:data range 都是從 "A1" 開始算❗️
return app.sheetByName(sheetName).getDataRange().getValues();
// ----------------- UI -----------------
// 🔸 app.ui
ui: SpreadsheetApp.getUi(),
// 🔸 app.alert()
alert(prompt){ app.ui.alert(prompt) },
// 🔸 app.color
app.color = {
gray: '#eeeeee',
lightRed: "#ffcccc",
lightGreen: '#ccffcc',
lightBlue: '#ccccff',
// ----------------------------- prototypes -------------------------------------
* common mehtods for Sheet
* @example
* sheet.__proto__ = app.sheet.prototype
* sheet.setValues(data)
app.sheet.prototype = {
// 🔸 sheet.setValues(data)
setValues(data, row=1, col=1){
// ⬆️ require: Array.prototype.isMatrix (getter)
throw new Error(`⛔️ app.sheet.prototype.setValues(): data 資料格式有問題,無法寫入試算表❗️`);
// 資料表的「列數」與「欄數」
let rows = data.length;
let cols = data[0].length;
// 寫入頁面
.getRange(row, col, rows, cols)
return this; // for chaining
// ┌────────────────┐
// │ getting Range │
// └────────────────┘
// 🔸 sheet.range()
range(row, col, rows, cols){
const rng = this.getRange(row, col, rows, cols);
Object.setPrototypeOf(rng, app.range.prototype); // extend range
return rng;
// 🔸 sheet.rangeByRect(rect: RangeRect)
// require: RangeRect
const range = this.getRange(...rect.toArray());
range.__proto__ = app.range.prototype; // extend range
return range;
// 🔸 sheet.rangeListByRects(rects: [RangeRect])
// require: RangeRect
const alNotations = rects.map(rect => this.rangeByRect(rect).getA1Notation());
return this.getRangeList(alNotations);
// ┌────────────────────┐
// │ formatting Ranges │
// └────────────────────┘
// 🔸 sheet.appendConditionalFormatRule()
var rules = this.getConditionalFormatRules();
* custom prototype for Range
* ### methods
* - row()
* - col()
* - rows()
* - cols()
* - info()
* - inset()
* - nthRow(i)
* - nthColumn(j)
* - firstNRows(n)
* - firstNColumns(n)
* - lastNthRow(i) <-------- #TODO
* - lastNthColumn(j)
* - lastNRows(n) <-------- #TODO
* - lastNColumns(n)
* - cell(i, j)
* @example
* range.__proto__ = app.range.prototype;
* range.alignCenter();
app.range.prototype = {
// ┌────────────┐
// │ info │
// └────────────┘
// GAS doesn't work well with getters❓
// -------------------------------------
// get row(){ return this.getRow() }, // ⛔ TypeError: this.getRow is not a function
// get col(){ return this.getColumn() },
// get rows(){ return this.numRows() },
// get cols(){ return this.numColumns() },
row(){ return this.getRow() },
col(){ return this.getColumn() },
rows(){ return this.getNumRows() },
cols(){ return this.getNumColumns() },
// 🔸 range.toString()
// ⭐ 注意:
// Range 有自己的 toString() (returns "Range"),所以如果要用 prototype 的版本,必須用下列程式碼:
// • range.__proto__.toString.call(range)
// • use `range.info()` instead
return `Range at: (${this.row()}, ${this.col()}), dim: ${this.rows()} ⨉ ${this.cols()}`;
// 🔸 range.info()
return `Range at: (${this.row()}, ${this.col()}), dim: ${this.rows()} ⨉ ${this.cols()}`;
// ┌─────────┐
// │ Range │
// └─────────┘
// 🔸 range.inset()
inset({top=0, bottom=0, left=0, right=0}={}){
let row = this.row() + top;
let col = this.col() + left;
let rows = this.rows() - top - bottom;
let cols = this.cols() - left - right;
if (row < 0) throw new Error(`⛔ app.range.prototype.inset: new range can't start from row = ${row}`);
if (col < 0) throw new Error(`⛔ app.range.prototype.inset: new range can't start from col = ${col}`);
if (rows < 1) throw new Error(`⛔ app.range.prototype.inset: new range can't have ${rows} rows`);
if (cols < 1) throw new Error(`⛔ app.range.prototype.inset: new range can't have ${cols} cols`);
let range = this.offset(row - this.row(), col - this.col(), rows, cols);
range.__proto__ = app.range.prototype;
return range;
// 🔸 range.nthRow(i)
let row = this.row() + i - 1;
if (row < 0) throw new Error(`⛔ app.range.prototype.nthRow(): new range can't start from row = ${row}`);
let range = this.offset(row - this.row(), 0, 1, this.cols());
range.__proto__ = app.range.prototype;
return range;
// 🔸 range.nthColumn(j)
let col = this.col() + j - 1;
if (col < 0) throw new Error(`⛔ app.range.prototype.nthColumn(): new range can't start from col = ${col}`);
let range = this.offset(0, col - this.col(), this.rows(), 1);
range.__proto__ = app.range.prototype;
return range;
// 🔸 range.firstNRows(n)
let range = this.offset(0, 0, n, this.cols());
range.__proto__ = app.range.prototype;
return range;
// 🔸 range.firstNColumns(n)
let range = this.offset(0, 0, this.rows(), n);
range.__proto__ = app.range.prototype;
return range;
// 🔸 range.lastNthColumn(j)
let range = this.offset(0, this.cols() - j, this.rows(), 1);
range.__proto__ = app.range.prototype;
return range;
// 🔸 range.lastNColumns(n)
let range = this.offset(0, this.cols() - n, this.rows(), n);
range.__proto__ = app.range.prototype;
return range;
// 🔸 range.cell(i, j)
cell(i, j){
let row = this.row() + i - 1;
let col = this.col() + j - 1;
if (row < 0) throw new Error(`⛔ app.range.prototype.cell(): new range can't start from row = ${row}`);
if (col < 0) throw new Error(`⛔ app.range.prototype.cell(): new range can't start from col = ${col}`);
let range = this.offset(row - this.row(), col - this.col(), 1, 1);
range.__proto__ = app.range.prototype;
return range;
// ┌─────────────┐
// │ formatting │
// └─────────────┘
// 🔸 range.alignCenter()
return this; // for chaining
🚧 施工中
// ----------------- URL -----------------
* app.fetch(url) -> JSON object
app.fetch = function fetch(url){
// connect to API endpoint
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, {
// this setting means your code won't halt ⭐️
// if the request results in an API error.
// Instead, the error response (HTTPResponse) is returned.
'muteHttpExceptions': true
// convert response to json object
var json = response.getContentText();
return JSON.parse(json);
// ----------------- log -----------------
* app.log(msg)
app.log = function(msg) {
if (!app._logs) app._logs = [];
* app.printLogs()
app.printLogs = function(){
let sheet = app.sheetByName('系統訊息');
let values = app._logs.map(msg => [msg]);
let range = sheet.getRange(1,1,values.length, 1);
Sheet ⟩
getDataRange() - from A1 to the last cell with value.
getLastRow() - index of the last row that has content.
Range ⟩
str.replaceWhitespaces() 常用來「淨化」儲存格的值。
Google Sheets
2022.07.28:將 app.sheet/range.prototype, app.color 直接加入 app 檔。
// ----------------- 🍄 app.style -----------------
app.style = {};
app.style.border = {
solid : SpreadsheetApp.BorderStyle.SOLID,
solidMedium: SpreadsheetApp.BorderStyle.SOLID_MEDIUM,
solidThick : SpreadsheetApp.BorderStyle.SOLID_THICK,
dashed : SpreadsheetApp.BorderStyle.DASHED,
dotted : SpreadsheetApp.BorderStyle.DOTTED,
double : SpreadsheetApp.BorderStyle.DOUBLE
archived on 2022.07.28
// app.spreadsheet
// app.sheets
// app.activeSheet
// app.sheetByName(sheetName)
// app.deleteSheetByName(sheetName)
// app.rangeByName(rangeName)
// app.valueOfNamedRange(rangeName)
// app.valuesOfNamedRange(rangeName): 2D array
// app.dataRangeValuesFromSheet(sheetName): 2D array
// app.ui
// app.alert(prompt)
const app = {
// containers
sheet: {}, // for sheet-related functionality
range: {}, // for range-related functionality
// ----------------- spreadsheet -----------------
// 🔸 app.spreadsheet
spreadsheet: SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet(),
// ----------------- sheet(s) -----------------
// 🔸 app.sheets
get sheets() { return app.spreadsheet.getSheets() },
// 🔸 app.activeSheet
get activeSheet() { return app.spreadsheet.getActiveSheet() },
// 🔸 app.sheetByName()
sheetByName(name) {
const ss = app.spreadsheet;
let sheet = ss.getSheetByName(name);
// if no such sheet, append a new one.
if(sheet === null){
let i = ss.getNumSheets(); // 目前的有幾頁
sheet = ss.insertSheet(name, i); // 插入最後面 (⭐️ will activate automatically)
sheet.activate(); // ⭐️ activate before returning
sheet.__proto__ = app.sheet.prototype; // ⭐️ extend sheet
return sheet;
// 🔸 app.deleteSheetByName()
deleteSheetByName(name) {
const ss = app.spreadsheet;
let sheet = ss.getSheetByName(name);
// if no such sheet, append a new one.
if(sheet === null){
Logger.log(`⚠️ app.deleteSheetByName:沒有「${name}」頁面。`);
return ss.deleteSheet(sheet);
// ----------------- range -----------------
// 🔸 app.rangeByName(name)
rangeByName(name) { return app.spreadsheet.getRangeByName(name) },
// ----------------- value(s) -----------------
// 🔸 app.valueOfNamedRange(name)
valueOfNamedRange(name) {
return app.rangeByName(name).getValue();
// 🔸 app.valuesOfNamedRange(name): 2D array
valuesOfNamedRange(name) {
return app.rangeByName(name).getValues();
// 🔸 app.dataRangeValuesFromSheet(sheetName)
// ⭐️ 注意:data range 都是從 "A1" 開始算❗️
return app.sheetByName(sheetName).getDataRange().getValues();
// ----------------- UI -----------------
// 🔸 app.ui
ui: SpreadsheetApp.getUi(),
// 🔸 app.alert()
alert(prompt){ app.ui.alert(prompt) },
Last updated