🔰object destructuring

JSoperatorassignmentdestructuring ⟩ object

let opts = { title: "Menu", width: 100, height: 200};

// ⭐ object destructuring
let {title, width, noSuchThing} = opts;     // noSuchThing = undefined❗

// ⭐ rename variables
let {title: t, width: w} = opts;            // t = "Menu", w = 100

// ⭐ default values (could be function values❗)
let {width: w2 = 100, title: t2} = opts;    // t2 = "Menu", w2 = 100

// ⭐ the "rest" object
let {title: t3, ...rest} = opts;            // rest = {width: 100, height: 200}

👉 replit

// ⭐️ 可先宣告變數,再 destructuring,但要「小心」❗
let t, w, h;

// ------------------ 🧨 there's a catch❗ --------------------
// ⛔ SyntaxError: Unexpected token '='
//  {t, w, h} = opts;
//  ^^^^^^^^^ <------------ JS sees this as a "code block"❗
// ------------------------------------------------------------

// ✅ wrap it in "parentheses", now it's OK.
    ({title: t, width: w, height: h} = opts);
//  ^                              ^

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