🔰type conversion

JSvaluetype ⟩ conversion

When JS expects a boolean, a value of any type can be supplied, and JS will convert it as needed. The same is true for all types.

// ⭐ explicit type conversion
Number(' 012'),    // 12
String(34),        // '34'
Boolean({}),       // true

// ⭐ implicit type conversion
+' 012',    // === Number(' 012')
34 + '',    // === String(34)
!!{},       // === Boolean({})
┌── (primitive?)
│                              (-> number)   (-> string)
│  x          desc                    +x     String(x)
null                                  0   "null"                 
undefined                           NaN   "undefined"            
0                                     0   "0"                    
Infinity                       Infinity   "Infinity"             
NaN                                 NaN   "NaN"                  
""          empty str                 0   ""                     
"1.2"       numeric                 1.2   "1.2"                  
"one"       non-numeric             NaN   "one"                  
true                                  1   "true"                 
false                                 0   "false"                
❌ {a:1}                               NaN   "[object Object]"      
❌ []          empty arr                 0   ""                     
❌ [6]         one numeric               6   "6"                    
❌ ['a']       any other               NaN   "a"                    
new Date                  1667314617317   "Tue Nov 01 2022 14:...
/regex/                             NaN   "/regex/"              
❌ () => {}                            NaN   "() => {}"             
class {}                            NaN   "class {}"             

Last updated