❗️Object.assign copies with getter/setter

Object.assign() copies with "get/set" operations, so if:

  • source object has a getter method, or

  • target object has a setter method

⭐ they will be invoked❗ during the assignment, not copied❗.


⛔️ Object.assign causing TypeError

// the "source" object
const source = {
    // ⭐ function copied ✅
    max() {
        console.log(this === source);
        return 3;
    // ⭐ getter invoked❗, NOT COPIED❗(during the assign❗)
    get maxRowLength() {
        return this.max();

// ⭐ during `Object.assign`:
// ---------------------------------------------
// • target.max = source.max 
//   (function copied ✅)
// • target.maxRowLength = source.maxRowLength    // ⭐ console: true
//                        ╰⭐ getter invoked ╯
//   (source getter invoked❗, NOT COPIED❗)
let target = Object.assign({}, source);

target.maxRowLength,             // 3
typeof target.maxRowLength,      // 'number'❗ (NOT a getter method❗)
typeof target.max,               // 'function' (copied ✅)

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