🔰CSS positioning

CSSlayout ⟩ positioning

"position"   "top/left" relative to               removed from flow
fixed        `viewport`
relative     where it should be                          ❌ 
absolute     `document` / nearest positioned parent      ✅ 
  • By default, any positioned element appears in front of any non-positioned elements.

If none of the absolutely positioned element’s ancestors are positioned, then the element will be positioned based on the initial containing block - an area with dimensions equal to the viewport size, anchored at the top of the page.

By setting top/bottom, left/right , you also implicitly define the width / height of the (fixed and absolutely, but not relatively positioned) element.

Unlike fixed and absolute positioning, you cannot use top/bottom, left/right to change the size of a relatively positioned element.

  • can use top or bottom, but not both (bottom will be ignored).

  • can use left or right, but not both (right will be ignored).


  • z-index only works on positioned elements.

  • applying a z-index to a positioned element establishes a stacking context.

  • Elements with a negative z-index appear behind static elements.

Last updated