JS ⟩ async ⟩ Promise ⟩ in parallel
⭐️ 重點 🔴 主題 💈範例 📘 手冊 👥 相關
will reject immediately upon any of the input promises rejecting.
(⭐️ ES2020 )
will wait for all input promises to complete , regardless of whether or not one rejects .
will always return the final result of every promise and function from the input iterable. (order is preserved )
Copy // rejected if any of the input Promises are rejected,
// otherwise, fulfilled with an array of values of each Promise.
Promise .all (
// array of URLs -> array of Promises
urls .map (url => fetch (url) .then (response => response .text ())
) .then (
texts => handle (texts) // do something with array of strings
💾 replit:Promise.all()
Copy // custom Promise
const promiseFoo = new Promise ((resolve , reject) => {
setTimeout (resolve , 2000 , 'foo' );
// ╰───╯ <---- parameter to `resolve`
// ⭐ Promise.all()
// - rejected if any is rejected
// - fulfilled (with array of values) if all are fulfilled
Promise .all ([
Promise .resolve ( 3 ) ,
42 , // non-Promise value is OK
]) .then (values => {
console .log (values); // [ 3, 42, 'foo' ]
// ⭐ Promise.allSettled()
// - always fulfilled with array of outcomes (objects)
Promise .allSettled ([
Promise .resolve ( 1 ) ,
Promise .reject ( 'bad boy' ) ,
3 ,
]) .then (results => {
results .forEach (result => console .log (result));
// { status: 'fulfilled', value: 1 } // ⭐ with `value`
// { status: 'rejected' , reason: 'bad boy' } // ⭐ with `reason`
// { status: 'fulfilled', value: 3 }
💾 replit:Promise.race()
Copy // ⭐ Promise.race()
// - settled immediately if any is settled.
Promise .race ([
new Promise (resolve => setTimeout (resolve , 500 , 'one' )) ,
new Promise (resolve => setTimeout (resolve , 200 , 'two' )) , // resolve faster
]) .then (value => {
console .log (value); // 'two'
Promise.all() - rejected immediately if any rejetcted, fulfilled if all fulfilled .