👔Array extension

JSvalueobjectbuilt-inArray ⟩ extension

add custom methods to Array.prototype.

// 2023.01.16 - 22:55 - (+) .maxIn()
// 2022.12.29 - 20:14 - (+) .removeDuplicates(), .union(), .isEmpty
// --------------------------------------------------------------------

const { floor, random } = Math;

// ⭐ Array extension
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// 🔸 .isEmpty
// 🔸 .randomElement         - random element
// 🔹 .removeDuplicates()    - remove duplicate element (new copy)
// 🔹 .union()               - union with unique elements
// 🔹 .maxIn()               - max quantity in array
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
Object.defineProperties(Array.prototype, {

    // 🔸 .isEmpty
    isEmpty: {
        get() {
            return this.length === 0;
    // 🔸 .randomElement
    randomElement: {
        get() {
            return this[floor(random() * this.length)];

    // 🔹 .removeDuplicates()
    removeDuplicates: {
        value: function() {
            return [... new Set(this)];    // new array (non-mutating)

    // 🔹 .union()
    union: {
        value: function(...arrays) {
            return this.concat(...arrays).removeDuplicates(); 

    // 🔹 .maxIn()
    // - max quantity in array
    maxIn: {
        value: function(quantity) {
            return this
                .map(x => quantity(x))
                .reduce((max, value) => max = value > max ? value : max);

// export
module.exports = {};

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