bitwise not (~)

🚧 under construction -> code example

JSstatementexpressionoperatorarithmeticbitwise ⟩ not

(converts the operand to a 32-bit signed integer)

inverts the bits of its operand. (definition~x = -x - 1 , 👉 2's complement)

// ⭐ `~x` === -x - 1 (if x integer, truncate decimal if not)
~(3),       // -4    (-3 - 1)
~(-5),      //  4    ( 5 - 1)

~(3.4),     // -4    ( 3.4 ->  3 -> -3 - 1 = -4)
~(-5.5),    //  4    (-5.5 -> -5 ->  5 - 1 =  4)

// ⭐ `~~x`: nearest integer towards 0.
~~(7.8),    //  7
~~(-3.4),   // -3
~~(6),      //  6 (⭐ `~~x = x`, if x integer)

🌟 table of operators

┌── (+x !== ~~x)

│  x           type        +x              ~~x          ~x      ⭐   
   null        Null                    0            0            -1
⭐ undefined   Undefined             NaN            0            -1
   true        Boolean                 1            1            -2
   false       Boolean                 0            0            -1
   ''          String                  0            0            -1
   '23'        String                 23           23           -24
⭐ 'yes'       String                NaN            0            -1
   1           Number                  1            1            -2
   0           Number                  0            0            -1
⭐ NaN         Number                NaN            0            -1
⭐ Infinity    Number           Infinity            0            -1
⭐ -Infinity   Number          -Infinity            0            -1
⛔ 40n         BigInt          TypeError           40           -41
⛔ Symbol()    Symbol          TypeError    TypeError     TypeError
⭐ ({a:1})     Object                NaN            0            -1
⭐ ({})        Object                NaN            0            -1
   []          Array                   0            0            -1
⭐ [4.5]       Array                 4.5            4            -5
⭐ ['-7.8']    Array                -7.8           -7             6
⭐ [1,2,3]     Array                 NaN            0            -1
⭐ /regex/     RegExp                NaN            0            -1
⭐ new Date    Date        1667543819273   1096508425   -1096508426
⭐ ()=>{}      Function              NaN            0            -1

Last updated

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