parse .ini file

JSvalueobjectregexexample ⟩ parse .ini file

// using "ini" package from npm
const { parse: parseINI } = require("ini");
parseINI("x = 10\ny = 20"),    // { x: '10', y: '20' }
// ⭐ .ini file format
// ---------------------------
// 1. Blank lines and lines starting with semicolons are ignored.
// 2. Lines wrapped in [ and ] start a new section.
// 3. Lines containing an alphanumeric identifier followed by an = character 
//    add a setting to the current section.
// 4. Anything else is invalid.
function parseINI(string) {

    let result = {};                // object to hold the top-level fields
    let currentSection = result;    // current section

    // ----------------------------
    // patterns (without '/g' flag)
    // ----------------------------
    const setting = /^(?<key>\w+)=(?<value>.*)$/;
    //                ╰── key ──╯ ╰─ value ──╯  <---- named groups

    const section = /^\[(?<sectionName>.*)\]$/;
    //                  ╰─ section name ─╯ 

    const blankOrComment = /^\s*(;.*)?$/;

    // begin to parse
        .split(/\r?\n/)                  // split into separate lines
        .forEach(line => {
            let match;

            // ignore blank line or comment
            if (blankOrComment.test(line)) return;
            // new setting to current section
            if (match = line.match(setting)) {
                const { key, value } = match.groups;    // named groups
                currentSection[key] = value;
                return;                  // return from closure (early exit)
            // new section
            if (match = line.match(section)) {
                const { sectionName } = match.groups;    // named groups
                currentSection = result[sectionName] = {};
            // anything else is invalid.
            throw new Error("Line: '" + line + "' is not valid.");

    return result;


// ⭐ example of an .ini file
const ini = `
; comments are preceded by a semicolon...
; [sectionName] starts a new section.
; 'key=value' adds a new setting to current section.

game=God Of War

fullname=Larry Doe
type=kindergarten bully

type=evil wizard`;

// test run
parseINI(ini)        // string -> object
// {
//   game: 'God Of War',
//   larry: { fullname: 'Larry Doe', type: 'kindergarten bully' },
//   davaeorn: { fullname: 'Davaeorn', type: 'evil wizard' }
// }

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