JS ⟩ value ⟩ type ⟩ name ⟩ typeName()
printPrototypeChain() - print the prototype chain of an object.
replit:typeName() (v.2)
typeof base type expr value
object⭐️ Null Null null null
undefined Undefined Undefined undefined undefined
number Number Number 37 37
number Number Number 3.14 3.14
number Number Number Math.LN2 0.6931471805599453
number Number Number Infinity Infinity
number Number Number NaN NaN
number Number Number Number('1') 1
number Number Number Number('ab') NaN
bigint BigInt BigInt 42 42n
string String String 'bla' bla
string String String `x = ${1+2}` x = 3
string String String typeof 1 number
string String String String({}) [object Object]
string String String typeof xxx undefined
boolean Boolean Boolean true true
boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean(1) true
boolean Boolean Boolean !!(1) true
symbol Symbol Symbol Symbol() Symbol()
symbol Symbol Symbol Symbol.iterator Symbol(Symbol.iterator)
object Object Object {a:1} { a: 1 }
object⭐️ User User user User { name: 'JohnDoe' }
object⭐️ Array Array [1, 2] [ 1, 2 ]
object⭐️ Date Date new Date() 2022-09-13T01:26:32.214Z
object⭐️ RegExp RegExp /regex/ /regex/
function Function Function function(){} [Function (anonymous)]
function Function Function Math.sin [Function: sin]
function Function Function () => {} [Function (anonymous)]
function⭐️❗ Function class class {} [class (anonymous)]
function⭐️❗ Function class User [class User]
function⭐️ GeneratorFunction GeneratorFunction function*(){} [GeneratorFunction (anonymous)]
• ⭐️ types not all the same • ❗ base !== type
replit:typeName() (v.2)
require: isClass(), baseTypeName()
// ⭐️ type name
// - require:
// • baseTypeName()
// • isClass()
function typeName(value) {
if (isClass(value)) return "class"; // class
return baseTypeName(value); // other cases
📁 module (copy and paste this file to use it)
// ⭐ base type name
function baseTypeName(value) {
// --------------
// ↓ ↱ -1 (index of last character)
// 0123456789012
// ╭──╮
// "[object XXXX]" ╭───╮
// ^^^^ <---- slice(8, -1)
return Object.prototype.toString.call(value).slice(8, -1);
* ⭐️ content of function's definition
* @throws {TypeError} will throw a TypeError if value is not a function
* @return {string}
function functionDefinition(value) {
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// ⭐️ will throw a TypeError if value is not a function:
// ⛔ TypeError:
// Function.prototype.toString requires that 'this' be a Function
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
return Function.prototype.toString.call(value);
// ⭐️ check if value is a function
// - require: baseTypeName()
function isFunction(value) {
return baseTypeName(value) === "Function";
// ⭐️ check if value is a "class"
// - require:
// • isFunction()
// • functionDefinition()
function isClass(value) {
return (
// `value` is a function
isFunction(value) &&
// `value` is a "class" definition
// ⭐️ type name
// - require:
// • baseTypeName()
// • isClass()
function typeName(value) {
if (isClass(value)) return "class"; // class
return baseTypeName(value); // other cases
// node exports
module.exports = {
replit:typeName() (v.2)
📁 index.js
// ⭐ import (functions for type name)
const { typeName, baseTypeName } = require('./typeNames.js');
const { testCases } = require('./testCases.js');
// table settings
const header = ['typeof', 'base', 'type', 'expr', 'value'];
const cols = header.length;
const [width, pad, ext] = [12, 1, 10];
const line = '-'.repeat(width*cols + pad*(cols-1) + ext);
// header
console.log(...header.map(s => s.padEnd(width, ' ')));
// rows
for (const testCase of testCases) {
// separator
if (testCase === '---') {
// test cases
const value = testCase[0];
const expr = testCase[1] || String(testCase[0]);
const types = [typeof value, baseTypeName(value), typeName(value)];
const numberOfDifferentTypes = new Set(types.map(s => s.toLowerCase())).size;
if (numberOfDifferentTypes > 1) types[0] += '⭐️';
if (baseTypeName(value) !== typeName(value)) types[0] += '❗';
...[...types, expr].map(s => s.padEnd(width, ' ')),
// legend
console.log(`• ⭐️ types not all the same • ❗ base !== type`);
📁 testCases.js
// custom class
class User {
// ⭐ class field
name = 'JohnDoe';
// ⭐ custom class name
get [Symbol.toStringTag]() { return 'User' }
// instance
let user = new User();
// test values: [expr, expr string]
const testCases = [
// ⭐️ null
[null, ],
// ⭐️ undefined --------------------------------------
[undefined, ],
// ⭐️ Number --------------------------------------
[37, ],
[3.14, ],
[Math.LN2, 'Math.LN2'],
[Infinity, ],
[NaN, ],
[Number('1'), `Number('1')`], // 1
[Number('abc'), `Number('ab')`], // NaN❗
// ⭐️ bigInt --------------------------------------
[42n, ],
// ⭐️ String --------------------------------------
['bla', `'bla'`],
[`x = ${1+2}`, '`x = ${1+2}`'], //
[typeof 1, 'typeof 1'], // always returns a string
[String({}), 'String({})'], // [object]❗
[typeof xxx, 'typeof xxx'], // 'undefined'❗ (string)
// ⭐️ Boolean --------------------------------------
[true, ],
[Boolean(1), 'Boolean(1)'], // true
[!!(1), '!!(1)'], // true
// ⭐️ Symbol --------------------------------------
[Symbol(), ],
[Symbol.iterator, 'Symbol.iterator'],
// ⭐️ objects --------------------------------------
[{ a: 1 }, '{a:1}'], // object literal
[user, 'user'], // instance of User
[[1, 2], '[1, 2]'], // Array
[new Date(), 'new Date()'], // Date
[/regex/, ], // RegExp
// ⭐️ Functions --------------------------------------
[function(){}, 'function(){}'], // "normal" function
[Math.sin, 'Math.sin'], // method
[() => {}, '() => {}'], // arrow function
[class {}, 'class {}'], // class ⭐️
[User, 'User'], // class ⭐️
[function*(){}, 'function*(){}'], // generator functions
// export
module.exports = { User, testCases };
objects can change the behavior of Object.prototype.toString()
by defining a Symbol.toStringTag
property, leading to unexpected results:
const date = new Date();
date[Symbol.toStringTag] = 'XXX';
Date.prototype[Symbol.toStringTag] = 'prototype polluted';
const toString = Object.prototype.toString; // keep it short
toString.call(date); // [object XXX]
toString.call(new Date()); // [object prototype polluted]
Last updated
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