CSS Selectors

CSSCSS Rules ⟩ selectors

  • basic selectors

// basic selectors:
div          // <div> element    (tag name selector)
#nav         // id="nav"         (id selector)
.warning     // class="warning"  (class selector)

p[lang="fr"]    // <p lang="fr"> (attribute selector)
*[name="x"]     // any element with attribute: name="x"
  • combinations of selectors

span.fatal.error         // <span class="fatal error">
span[lang="fr"].warning  // <span lang="fr" class="warning">
  • selectors related to DOM structure

// children/descendants
#log span    // descendant (space): <span> descendant of [id="log"]
#log > span  // direct child (>): <span> child of [id="log"]
body > h1:first-child  // first <h1> child of <body>

// siblings
img + p     // next sibling (+): <p> immediately after <img> 
h2 ~ p      // following sibling (~): <p> that follows <h2>

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