dot notation (.)

`obj . prop` syntax.

(property access expression) (🌟 chaining rules | table of operators )

use obj . prop to evaluate object property's value.

obj . prop    // `prop` must be an "identifier".

🈯 synonyms: "chaining", "chaining operator", "dot notation"

// ⭐️ 1. prop: invalid identifier
// ------------------------------
undeclared.1 = 'bad';  // ⛔ SyntaxError: Unexpected number
//        ^^

// ⭐️ 2. obj: "undeclared"
// -------------------------------
undeclared.prop;       // ⛔ ReferenceError: 'undeclared' is not defined

// ⭐️ 3. obj: "nullish"
// -------------------------------
null.prop              // ⛔ TypeError: Cannot read properties of null

// ⭐️ 4. obj: not "nullish"
// -------------------------------
(18).prop;            // ❗ undefined (no such `prop`)
(18).toString(16);    // ❓ "12" (property value, could be any value)

// object
let obj = {};

// ┌───────────────────┐
// │ valid identifiers │
// └───────────────────┘

obj.$1 = 'joe';       // ✅ can begin with $, _
obj.var = 'OK';       // ✅ reserved word is allowed❗

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