<dom-hierarchy> ⭐️

由 <expanding-list> 改編而來。

    Terms used in code
    • children list: <ul> (not class="methods" or "properties")
    • ancestor: <li> containing (not necessarily direct) children list
    • item: <li> (with #text node as first child)
    • item title: <span class="title">

// customized built-in element
class DomHierarchy extends HTMLUListElement {

    // connected to document
    connectedCallback() {

        // ⭐️ all ancestors
        this.ancestors = Array
            .filter(li => this._isAncestor(li)); 

        // for each li
        this.$all('li').forEach(li => {

            let isAncestor = this._isAncestor(li);
            let isMethod = this._isMethod(li);
            let isProperty = this._isProperty(li);
            let hasMethods = this._hasMethods(li);
            let hasProperties = this._hasProperties(li);

            // ⭐️ get item's first child
            let firstChild = li.firstChild; 
            // ⭐️ if not `Text` node, skip.
            if(firstChild.nodeType !== Node.TEXT_NODE) return;

            // is #text node, get text and remove it.
            let text = firstChild.textContent;    // get text
            firstChild.remove();                  // remove node

            // ⭐️ wrap text in <span> in order to
            //    assign style and event handlers

            // item title <span>
            const titleSpan = tag('span', {
                textContent: text,
                attributes: {'class': 'title'}

            // prepend title <span>

            // if item has methods
                this._insertIconAfter(titleSpan, 'method');

            // if item has properties
                this._insertIconAfter(titleSpan, 'property');
            // if item is ancestor

                // folder is closed by default
                li.attr('class', 'closed ancestor');

                // toggle folder on click (on title <span>)
                titleSpan.onclick = (e) => {
            } else {
                // <li> is a normal item
                li.attr('class', 'item');
        });// end: forEach(folder)

    }// end: connectedCallback()

    // <li> is ancestor
        return li.$all('ul:not(.methods, .properties)').length > 0

    // <li> is method
        return li.parentNode.classList.contains('methods');

    // <li> is property
        return li.parentNode.classList.contains('properties');

    // <li> has methods
        // ⭐️ select direct children (:scope == <li> self)
        return li.$(':scope > ul.methods') !== null;

    // <li> has properties
        // ⭐️ select direct children (:scope == <li> self)
        return li.$(':scope > ul.properties') !== null;

    // insert icon <span> after title <span>
    _insertIconAfter(titleSpan, iconType){

        let isProperty = iconType == 'property';
        let iconText = isProperty ? '🅟' : '🅜';
        let iconClass = iconType + '-icon';
        let ulSelector = isProperty ? 'ul.properties' : 'ul.methods';

        // new <span> for property/method-icon
        let iconSpan = tag('span', {
            attributes: {'class': iconClass},
            textContent: iconText

        // insert icon <span> after title <span>

        // properties/methods list in the item <li>
        let ul = iconSpan.parentNode.$(ulSelector);

        // list is closed by default

        // toggle list status on click (on icon <span>)
        iconSpan.onclick = (e) => {

    // open folder

    // close folder

    // toggel folder

    // expand all ancestors
        this.ancestors.forEach(li => this._openFolder(li));

    // collapse all ancestors
        this.ancestors.forEach(li => this._closeFolder(li));

}// end: ExpandingList

// register <expanding-list>
customElements.define('dom-hierarchy', DomHierarchy, { extends: 'ul' });

Last updated

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