TypeScript ⟩ JSDoc Reference
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TypeScript in 50 Lessons (2020), Lesson 4: Adding Types with JSDoc
Modern JavaScript Web Development Cookbook (2018) ⟩ Documenting your code with JSDoc
Google Apps Script ⟩ play JSDoc
GitHub ⟩ vscode-docthis - auto-generated JSDoc.
VSCode ⟩ Document This (vscode-docthis?)
DevHints ⟩ JSDoc cheatsheet
* Adds VAT to a price
* @param {number} price The price without VAT
* @param {number} vat The VAT [0-1]
* @returns {number}
function addVAT(price, vat = 0.2) {
return price * (1 + vat)
// defining objects
* @typedef {Object} Article
* @property {number} price
* @property {number} vat
* @property {string} string
* @property {boolean=} sold (⭐️ optional property)
// ⭐️ optional property/parameter syntax:
// • @param {boolean=} sold
// • @param {boolean} [sold]
* Now we can use `Article` as a proper type
* @param {[Article]} articles
function totalAmount(articles) {
return articles.reduce((total, article) => {
return total + addVAT(article) }, 0)
// inline types
* @type {number}
let amount;
// defining functions (@callback works like @typedef)
* @callback LoadingCallback
* @param {number} status
* @param {string=} response (⭐️ optional, see: @typedef)
* @returns {void}
* @param {string} url
* @param {LoadingCallback} cb
function loadData(url, cb) {
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open('GET', url)
xhr.onload = () => {
cb(xhr.status, xhr.responseText)
// imports `Article` type from `article.ts`
// and makes it available under `Article`
* @typedef { import('./article').Article } Article
* @type {Article}
const article = {
title: 'The best book in the world',
price: 10,
vat: 0.2
// import from `types.d.ts` type declaration file
* @typedef { import('./types.d').ShipStorage } ShipStorage
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