GAS ⟩ Classes ⟩ Range ⟩ A1 notation ⟩ A1NotationToRowColumn()
* A1 notation to [row, col]
* @param {string} a1notation - cell address in "A1 notation"
* @returns {number[]} [row, col] (1-based)
* @example
* A1NotationToRowColumn("A2") // [ 2, 1 ]
* A1NotationToRowColumn("AA3") // { 3, 27 ]
function A1NotationToRowColumn(a1notation) {
// character index (start from 1)
// ------------------------------
// A -> 1, ..., Z -> 26
function CharIndex(char){
return char.charCodeAt() - 'A'.charCodeAt() + 1
// capture groups ╭──1───╮╭──2───╮
const [_, columnName, row] = a1notation.toUpperCase().match(/([A-Z]+)([0-9]+)/);
const numLetters = 26; // A - Z
// 'ABC' -> [A,B,C] -> ((0*26 + A)*26 + B)*26 + C = A*26^2 + B*26^1 + C
let col = columnName
.reduce((sum, char) => sum * numLetters + CharIndex(char), 0);
return [+row, col]; // row: String -> Number
A1NotationToRowColumn("A2"), // [ 2, 1 ]
A1NotationToRowColumn("AA3"), // { 3, 27 ]
A1Notation() - (row, col) to A1 notation
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