Any is an empty protocol and everythingimplicitly conforms to this protocol. ๐
// Some code
protocol SomeProtocol {
// -----------------------------
// Property Requirements
// -----------------------------
// โข can be stored/computed property
// โญ gettable
// canโt be fulfilled by a constant stored property
// or a read-only computed property.
var mustBeSettable: Int { get set }
// โญ settable
// satisfied by any kind of property
var doesNotNeedToBeSettable: Int { get }
// โญ type property
static var typeProperty: Int { get set }
// -----------------------------
// Method Requirements
// -----------------------------
func method() -> Double // โญ instance method
static func typeMethod() // โญ type method
mutating func toggle() // โญ mutating method
// -----------------------------
// Init Requirements
// -----------------------------
init(someParameter: Int)