swift ⟩ type ⟩ custom ⟩ package ⟩ GeometryKit ⟩ MetricSpace
Protocol Inheritance Hierarchy
// 2024.12.11 - 15:00
// Protocol Inheritance Hierarchy
// • MetricSpace -> Vector -> Vector2D -> ComplextNumber
// 🅿️ MetricSpace (protocol)
public protocol MetricSpace {
// ⭐️ 純量 (scalar)
// • FloatingPoint:支援 +,-,*,/
// • Comparable :可比較大小(如需排序或限制範圍時)
associatedtype Scalar: FloatingPoint & Comparable
// ⭐️ requirement
func distance(to other: Self) -> Scalar
// MetricSpace: default behavior
extension MetricSpace {
// ⭐️ p.isAlmostEqual(to: q)
func isAlmostEqual(
to other: Self,
// ⭐ 容許誤差的比較(Tolerance-based Comparison)
// default tolerance = ULP of 1.0 * 1000
// .ulpOne: ULP (Unit of Last Place) of 1.0.....0 <-- this place
// • Double.ulpOfOne = 2.220446049250313e-16
// • Float.ulpOfOne = 1.1920929e-07
// • 在 64 位元平台上(現今大部分的 Apple 裝置),CGFloat 與 Double 有相同精度
tolerance: Scalar = Scalar.ulpOfOne * 1000
) -> Bool {
return distance(to: other) < tolerance
Vector:conforms to MetricSpace