
Swift โŸฉ Regex

// NSRegularExpression, NSString.range(of:)
import Foundation

// One or more characters followed by an "@",
// then one or more characters followed by a ".",
// and finishing with one or more characters
let emailPattern = #"^\S+@\S+\.\S+$"#

// Matching Examples
// user@domain.com
// firstname.lastname-work@domain.com

// ----------- method 1: string.range() -------------

// โญ๏ธ 1. string.range()
let range = "test@test.com".range(
    of: emailPattern,
    options: .regularExpression
// range: Range<String.Index>?

// ----------- method 2: regex.matches() -------------

// โญ๏ธ 2.1 NSRegularExpression
let emailRegex = try! NSRegularExpression(
    pattern: emailPattern, options: []

// โญ๏ธ 2.2 NSRange
let source = "test@test.com"
let sourceRange = NSRange(
    source.startIndex ..< source.endIndex,
    in: source

// โญ๏ธ 2.3 regex.matches()
let matches = emailRegex.matches(
    in: source,
    options: [],
    range: sourceRange
// matches: [NSTextCheckingResult]

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