讓 print() 可以在 Swift Playgrounds 中方便使用。
import Combine
import PlaygroundSupport
// 🐶 PlaygroundConsole
public class PlaygroundConsole :
// console text
private var text = ""
// 🅿️ TextOutputStream
public func write(_ string: String) { text += string }
// 🅿️ CustomPlaygroundDisplayConvertible
public var playgroundDescription: Any { text }
// 🅿️ CustomStringConvertible
public var description : String { text }
// 1. static let (can't change this static instance)
public static let `default` = PlaygroundConsole()
// 2. public init (can create new instance)
public init() {}
// 3. other public services
public func clear() { text = "" }
// 🌀 PlaygroundPage.console
extension PlaygroundPage {
public static let console = PlaygroundConsole.default
/// shadows `Swift.print()`, prints to `PlaygroundConsole.shared`.
/// (based on [StackOverflow](https://stackoverflow.com/a/47223166))
public func print(
_ items: Any...,
separator : String = " ",
terminator: String = "\n"
) {
let output = items.map { "\($0)" }.joined(separator: separator)
PlaygroundConsole.default.write(output + terminator)
Viewing console output in iPad Swift Playgrounds
import Combine
import PlaygroundSupport
// 🐶 PlaygroundConsole
public class PlaygroundConsole :
// console text
private var text = ""
// 🅿️ TextOutputStream
public func write(_ string: String) { text += string }
// 🅿️ CustomPlaygroundDisplayConvertible
public var playgroundDescription: Any { text }
// 🅿️ CustomStringConvertible
public var description : String { text }
///////////////// Singleton Pattern ///////////////////////
// 1. static let (so no one can change this static instance)
public static let shared = PlaygroundConsole()
// 2. private init (so no one can create new instance)
private init() {}
// 3. other public services
public func clear() { text = "" }
// 🌀 PlaygroundPage.console
extension PlaygroundPage {
public static let console = PlaygroundConsole.shared
/// shadows `Swift.print()`, prints to `PlaygroundConsole.shared`.
/// (based on [StackOverflow](https://stackoverflow.com/a/47223166))
public func print(
_ items: Any...,
separator : String = ", ",
terminator: String = "\n"
) {
let output = items.map { "\($0)" }.joined(separator: separator)
PlaygroundConsole.shared.write(output + terminator)
import Combine
import PlaygroundSupport
// PlaygroundConsole.shared
let console = PlaygroundPage.console
// String conforms to `TextOutputStream`
var con = ""
// ⭐️ Publishers.Sequence<[Int], Never>
// Combine.PassthroughSubject.print(_:to:)
// DOESN'T accept an inout parameter
// .print(to: &con) // ❌ '&' used with non-inout argument
// .print(to: con) // ❌ pass by copy: 所以跟原來的 `con` 無關
// ⭐️ Publishers.Print<...>
.print(to: console) // ✅ pass by reference
// ⭐️ Publishers.FlatMap<...>
.flatMap { Array(repeating: $0, count: $0).publisher }
// `Swift.print(_:separator:terminator:to:)` accepts in-out `to` argument
// ⭐️ AnyCancellable
.sink { print("got: \($0)", to: &con) }
// got: 1
// got: 2
// got: 2
// got: 3
// got: 3
// got: 3
// receive subscription: ([1,2,3])
// request unlimited
// receive value: (1)
// receive value: (2)
// receive value: (3)
// receive finished
Last updated
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